當你發現義大利不只義大利麵 🇮🇹

Ciao a tutti! 大家好!
我在AmazingTalker 平台學習將近一年,有些心得想和你們分享~



在最近一次課程中,老師和我分享了一份Danubio dolce的食譜,那是一款源自義大利拿坡里的夾餡餐包。餐包的製作過程並不複雜,所以老師極力推薦我自己在家嘗試做做看。看見甜食就會失去抵抗力的我,當然是二話不說,立馬備齊材料準備開工。製作過程非常順利,最後我一共烘烤了兩大盤。剛出爐的麵包夾著帶有淡淡檸檬香的內餡,其中一盤還來不及成為隔天早餐,就被家人們分食個精光。而他們臉上藏不住的滿足,也給予我滿滿成就感。


I have never set foot in Europe in my life, but I have an inexplicable passion for Italy. By fate, I started learning Italian with teacher Adriano last May.

Because there is no plan to take the language test at present, the content of the course is discussed and planned with the teacher. In addition to the basic vocabulary and grammar, some interesting topics often appear. For me, knowing a country's culture is a great addition to learning the language of that country. After a period of class, I found that Teacher Adriano also likes cooking, and since then, our classes and chats have added food or cooking-related topics.

In a recent class, the teacher shared with me a recipe for Danubio dolce, a stuffed meal bag from Naples, Italy. The making process of the meal bag is not complicated, so the teacher highly recommends me to try it at home. I would lose my resistance when I saw sweets, of course, without saying a word, I immediately prepared the materials and prepared to start work. The making process went so smoothly that I ended up baking two large pans. The freshly baked bread was stuffed with a hint of lemon fragrance, and one of the plates was eaten by the family before it could become the next day's breakfast. The satisfaction that could not be hidden on their faces also gave me a sense of accomplishment.

As the saying goes: 'Read ten thousand books, travel ten thousand miles.' This is a sentence I am very touched in the process of learning Italian because when you actually apply the knowledge learned in the classroom to life, everything you have learned is internalized in the mind. The first experience of Italian cooking this time, through reading the original recipes, also let me know many related words. Italian is a beautiful language, and the rich culture behind it has made me eager to find out more!

⬇️一併附上Danubio dolce的食譜

Buon appetito!

Teacher in the story

Insegnante di Italiano
/ 50 นาที
/ คลาสทดลองเรียน
ภาษาอังกฤษC2 Proficient
Insegnante di Italiano
ภาษาอังกฤษC2 Proficient
ภาษาสเปนC1 Advanced
Vuoi parlare italiano come gli italiani? Risultati in 5 classi! 🏆 Madrelingua italiano 👩‍🏫 ti insegnerò ad imparare una lingua ✨ Insegnante creativo e non convenzionale. 💼 Posso aiutarti con suggerimenti e trucchi per esercitarti a imparare più velocemente. Se i risultati sono ciò che cerchi, mandami un messaggio ORA! 😊