ESL Teacher Learning Chinese to Further Connect with her Students

I have been an online ESL teacher for almost nine years now. My students are and have always been from China. I am now an independent ESL teacher and decided it was the right move for me to take my Mandarin to the next level so I could further accommodate my students and their parents. I also wanted to build up the student-teacher relationships I already have.

I had learned Chinese a bit on my own previously as I had lived in the People's Republic of China (Taiwan) for five years; however, I never took any formal Chinese lessons. In the time I have taken classes here with Teacher Jane I have gained confidence in regards to sending messages to my students, assisting my students with tech problems, and scheduling lessons in Chinese.

Taking classes here on Amazing Talker has also motivated me to improve my self-study of Chinese. Since I have started taking Chinese classes I have dedicated at least 30 minutes to practicing Chinese out loud daily.

All of this has assisted me in not only being there for my students in a more involved way but has also led me to gain new students for myself. I am grateful for each lesson with Teacher Jane and the Amazing Talker platform.

Happy teaching and learning to all the students and teachers here on Amazing Talker!

Teacher in the story

/ 50 นาที
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ภาษาอังกฤษC1 Advanced
ภาษาอังกฤษC1 Advanced
🍓 專業普通話老師,國家语委二级甲等證書,發音非常專家 🍓 主題式教學,互動文字游戲,唱歌,快速建立自信 🍓 系統認讀聖母,韻母及四個聲調,大量練習拼讀,以達到見字能讀,見字能正確寫出拼音 🍓 課堂生動有趣,輕鬆活潑,每一堂都是客製化,每堂都有唔同嘅教學課題 🍓 互動式趣味性教學🤝,引導學生多講多練 🍓 時刻注意孩子的變化,並適時調整教學方案 🍓 英文流利,學生如有需要,可要求用英文做為輔助語言進行教學 🍓 參加過小學語文老師的培訓,提供專業課程 🍓 有7嵗的女兒,了解孩子心理特點,超鐘意小朋友,耐心親切有活力


  • Wow! I love your motivation for learning Mandairn, and plus you have even been to my country! I'm so happy for you, maybe next time you could write down a story in Chinese!
    And if you have time, please check my story of learning Vietnamese and give me a like, thank you!