Learning mandarin saved my patient!

I'm a RN, and have started learning mandarin to better help my patients. It's hard for a westerner, but Gabriel has made it easier for me. His lessons allowed me to be able to ask if my mandarin speaking patients can speak English (until I am conversational in mandarin). Recently, a patient was being abused by their spouse. My asking the patient if he could speak English, in his language, taught him to trust me. Because of this trust, he told me he was being abused. The family had been trying to get him out of the marriage for years. I got him out of the home and safely with family that day! He's now filed for divorce and is safe with his children. He's happy and safe, which means a lot to me. I know this happened because I spoke to him in his language. When I spoke mandarin, he cried with joy that I tried to communicate with him. AND HE UNDERSTOOD ME! That would have never happened without Gabriel. It just reiterated to me that I'm doing the right thing. I'm going to keep learning mandarin so I can help my patients. I'm so thankful I found this site!

Teacher in the story

專業💪 語音糾正 聲調學習 生活溝通 商業會談 兒童會話
/ 50 นาที
/ คลาสทดลองเรียน
ภาษาอังกฤษC1 Advanced
專業💪 語音糾正 聲調學習 生活溝通 商業會談 兒童會話
ภาษาอังกฤษC1 Advanced
https://www.instagram.com/good.putonghua/ 🔥港人發音課程 四部曲🔥⚡️第一部 基礎發音課程,替發音打下堅實的基礎⚡️第二部 港人詞語實戰訓練,用港人最難讀準的字進行訓練⚡️第三部 易混淆詞語閱讀練習,透過大量詞語對比更加熟記發音⚡️第四部 香港在地化生活教材,在地化的教材更能引起共鳴⚡️💼100%客製化商業會談,讓學生在職場上更有自信地開口說出普通話 📘課後練習📢寄送客製化商務筆記📢Gabriel親自錄製個別學生的發音偏誤以供學生複習📢學生繳交錄音作業,Gabriel替你進行語音分析📢反覆訓練,幫你順利擺脫陳年港普!
