🏆 HKDSE English 5* (Reading 5**, Listening 5**, Writing 5*, Speaking 5*)
🏆 IELTS Academic 8.5+ (Reading 9.0, Listening 9.0, Speaking 8.5)
🏆 Currently Running 2 English Centers in Vietnam
🏆 Experienced in Teaching ESL English to Kids and Teenagers
🏆 Experienced in Teaching IELTS
🏆 Travelled to more than 20 countries
🏆 Past IELTS students have reached up to Band 8.0❗❗❗
🏅 Helped many IELTS students of different levels to reach their target band scores🏅
🎉 Evie - band 8.0 (Sep 2021)
🎉 Michael - band 7.5 (Mar 2021)
🎉 Vicky - band 7.5 (Apr 2022)
🎉 Sonia - band 7.0 (Nov 2021)
🎉 Sophie - band 7.0 (Dec 2021)
🎉 Chloe - band 7.0 (Jan 2022)
🎉 Kingsley - band 7.0 (Apr 2022)
🎉 Jennie - Band 7.0 (July 2022)
🎉 Mia - Band 7.0 (Aug 2022)
🎉 Yuki - band 7.0 (Aug 2023)
🎉 Jake - band 6.5 (Aug 2023)
🎉 Luka - band 6.5 (Aug 2023)
🎉 Tom - band 6.5 (Aug 2023)
🎉 Wincy - band 6.0 (Sep 2021)
🎉 Natalie - band 6.0 (Aug 2023)
🎉 Sonia - band 5.0 (Jul 2021)
🔥📖 IELTS Preparation Course 📖🔥
🎓 IELTS Strategies and Tips
🎓 Exam Consultation
🎓 Customised Study Plan
🎓 Tips on how to ace IELTS in both Computer-Based and Paper-Based formats
🎓 One-on-One Practise
🎓 Official Past Papers provided for free
🎓 Free Notes provided for students purchasing the full course
🎓 Course duration can be adjusted for urgent cases
📌 Introduce all questions types and their tactics
📌 Exam Tips and Strategies
📌 Free Supply of Official IELTS Past Papers
📌 Understanding IELTS Speaking marking scheme and how to score high on each criterion
📌 Getting familiar with all the common topics in IELTS Speaking
📌 Learning how to prepare for the 2-min talk in Part 2
📌 *List of Linking Devices* for ALL Situations
📌 *Notes(6 Ways to expand your answer unlimitedly)* for lengthening your answer all while staying relevant
📌 *List of Useful Language* for stalling, "hesitating gracefully", structuring your talk, expressing opinions or asking for clarification like a PRO!
📌 *List Synonyms* for common words in speaking. No more "this is good"..."that is good".." I think everything is good".
📌 *List of Linking Devices* for ALL Situations
📌 FULL COURSE: 12 LESSONS (can be extended if you wish to practise more)
📌 Introducing the 7 Questions Types in Task 1, and the 5 Questions Types in Task 2
📌 Learn how to analysis the question, brainstorm ideas and create a plan for the esaay in 5 mins
📌 Familiarise yourself with the Band 9 structure in Task 1 and Task 2
📌 Complimentary Grading and Commenting on essays
📌 *List of Linking Devices* for ALL Situations for the perfect score in Coherence and Cohesion
📌 *List of Useful Phrases* for beginning your paragraphs, writing introduction/conclusion/overview, stating your ideas, giving examples, ....
📌 *Notes* showing you the band 9 structure for all the question types in Task 1 and Task 2, and one sample essay for each of them.
🌟🏆 DSE摘星預備班 🏆🌟
🥇 適合英文表達能力及自主學習能力較高,並以DSE摘星為長遠目標的中小學生
🥇 引導學生有效率地自學英文,不再依賴老師或學校,靠自己讓英文成績領先一步
🥇 協助訂立明確英語學習目標,提升學生學習動機
🥇 鼓勵學生培養在課餘時間多聽多讀多用英文的習慣
🥇 指導學生挑選符合學生英語程度和興趣的報章雜誌及Youtube Channel,由淺入深地從看輕鬆學英文的Youtube Video,到閱讀比DSE Reading Part B2和IELTS Academic Reading更深的Economist雜誌
🥇 鼓勵學生多討論時事及各種議題,自信地用英文表達自己的論點,為DSE Speaking和Writing的議論文做好準備
🥇 此課堂模式須學生配合完成較多的課前準備,如學生未能配合,老師將通知家長並退回之後的課堂
📚 以Oxford出版的教科書作為主教材,讓學生有系統地學習英語(每套課本包括學生課本,作業本及文法練習)
📚 教材共有七個級別,配合不同程度的學生需要
📚 配合自製互動繽紛Powerpoint,令小朋友更投入學習
🧩 學習會話,開口使用漂亮詞彙說出流利英語
🧩 學習聆聽,純正英語口音上課,有耐心地慢慢跟小朋友說英文,聆聽英文時不再黑人問號
🧩 學習寫作,攻克學生最怕的作文,如何寫出有意思有鋪排的文章
🧩 增強詞彙能力,及句子表達力
🧩 學習文法,一理通百理明,為英文打好基礎
💟 互動式英語課程,鼓勵小朋友多開口講英文
💟 致力培養小朋友自學能力,培訓多角度思考
💟 彈性功課量,可按學生或家長要求加減
📚 Homework Help 📚
📌 DSE / University
📌 essays, presentations or other assisgnments
📌 Please notify me at least 12 hours before the class starts if you need to change the lesson time
📌 The class will be treated as "completed" if you don't notify me at least 12 hours before, or if you are over 15 minutes late in class without notice.