Bu Afanie Conversation 😇 A fun class 😇 Expert ALL LEVEL🔥
Conversation 🏅 Exam 🏅Speaking
787ภาษาอินโดนีเซีย บทเรียนที่เสร็จสิ้นแล้ว
ภาษาอินโดนีเซีย Native
ภาษาอังกฤษB2 Upper-Intermediate
🥴 Feel frustrated learning Indonesian? Join My Class and start being confident! 🙂
👩🏫 8 years of tutoring experience with students of all levels, and all ages
🔥 Beginner & Adults &Pronunciation expert personalizes your course plan to start out right!
🏅 A lot of students achieve desired results after learning with me. Join us right now! 🔥
Beginner (A1 - A2)
🥇 Learn Vocabulary
🥇 Build sentences
🏅 Talk to Native without fear
🏅 Start learning today and become a fluent speaker!
Level B1-C1
🔥using discussion to help student to use vocabularies they already know
🔥using a book to help students to collect vocabularies
🔥 based on the student's needs
😱 clear Pronunciation
😎easy to understand by the speaker
Ayo! 😃 Belajar sama saya! 😀 Kelas pasti seru banget! 😊
😎 Come join My Trial Class! 😄
What to expect in this 25-min trial❓
🤓 Plot your learning journey with me!
😱 A detailed analysis of your current level
👍 A problem-solving mini-lesson
👌 Valuable learning methods to stop wasting time!
❗️Classroom Rules ❕
🙃 Bring your pen and a notebook to collect useful expressions in class.
😇 Always check your connection and devices before class starts.
😎 Cancel the class 24 hours before class. If you have to cancel a class within 24 hours, be sure you notify me through AT Chat
Bu.Afanie adalah guru luar biasa yang mencerahkan segalanya.
Surat : letter
keluhan utama = main complaint
ukuran berapa= what size?
meguragi = reduce
menuggu = wait
sebaiknya = should
setrika = iron
lipat baju = fold clothes
wangi = fragrant
butuh waktu lama = took a long time
retakan gigi = crack tooth
menambal gigi = filling teeth
bau tidak enak = bad smell
saling bercanda = joke with each other
kecewa = disappointed
After class, what will you do? = After the class, what will you do?
mengantuk = sleepy
karbohidrat = carbohydrate
selanjutnyaaa = next
pemberitahuannya = notification
pelayanan = service
kasir = casher
buruk = bad
penjelasan = explanation
pernah mempunyai = ever had
rawat jalan = outpatient
sebagai = as
awal pendaftaran diterima dengan baik menggunakan asuransi = Initial registration was received well using insurance
pemeriksaan = inspection
mempunyai = have
menyampaikan keluhan itu = submit the complaint
kepada siapa = to whom
walaupun = although
kamu terlambat, kamu sebaiknya minta maaf ke saya karena anda sudal. = you are late, you should apologize to me because you are late.